Thursday, January 30, 2020

Market Equilibration Process Paper Essay Example for Free

Market Equilibration Process Paper Essay The market equilibration process occurs when the market can reach and maintain a balance between the supply and demand. It also includes what manufacturers take in consideration of what can help lead their firms so they can maximize profits with units sold and match what consumers are willing to spend on an item. This will lead to market equilibration. With family, finances must have equilibration to maintain a good life. Prior to making major purchases or planning vacations, there are several options to consider. What should be done is assess the family finances. Each family need to account for all income during each pay period, then figure what they are going to pay as monthly expenses like rent, electricity, water, credit cards, cell phones, cables and putting money into the family savings. This information will help to determine the families’ income so they can plan their next major purchase or family vacation. If planning a vacation there needs to be consideration for the total cost and what is available to spend, and second is the real income effect, has there been a change in a families’ purchasing power. The law of demand according to McConnel (2009) states, â€Å" Other things equal, as price falls, the quantity demanded rises, and as price rises, the quantity demanded falls.† When there is a change in determinants of demand in the family for examples; income of the family, the cost of an item, and the expectations of the family. Each of these determinants will have an effect on the demand. The demand will either shift to the right with an increase or to the left indicating a decrease. The law of supply according to McConell, (2009) states, â€Å" As prices rises, the quantinty supplied rises; as price falls, the quantity supplied falls.† So with higher prices production is increased and profits are increased. Changes in family income will affect the supply determinants. This will cause a shift to the left to decrease the supply. These determinants  includes resource prices, job market, employment, taxes, and prices of other goods. Efficient markets theory states that all working financial markets react at the very moment to any new information for families, this means the price in vacation is placed at that very moment, and any family has a chance to act on it or not. At times, the resources are lacking and the consumer demand outweighs the available supply or the supply is greater than the demand. This is when the equilibrium shifts and causes either a shortage or a surplus. With shortages in this case there is an excess in the demand or low supply of income. This will result in a price increase and those prices will prevail. Then when there is a surplus of an income this will cause the family to have more expendable income. To obtain market equilibrium there has to be a balance between both supply and demand. References Economics Online. (n.d). Market Equiblrium. Retrieved from McConell, C. R., Brue, S. L., Flynn, S. M. (2009). Economics, Principles, Problems, and Policies (18th ed.). New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill. NASDAQ. (n.d). Efficient marets theory (EMT). Retrieved from

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Interpret and Draft DISA Completion Reports :: essays research papers fc

A completion report is one of three reports. The situation is based on conditions that exist at the time a TSO directs as to when a circuit, trunk, or link is expected to be available. The 3 types of reports are In-Effect Report, Exception Report, and Delayed Service Report. In-Effect Report (IER) – The facility or activity designated in the TSO (normally the CCO or CMO) will, within 72 duty hours (based on 24-hour workday not including weekends and holidays) of completion of action on the TSO, forward an in-effect report directly to the originator and all addressees of the TSO. If the service being ineffected has been assigned a TSP, the in-effect report, containing the applicable TSP Authorization Code, must be submitted to: "MGR NCSTSP WASHINGTON DC." This report will be submitted either when the service is provided end-to-end and accepted, meets all details of the TSO, and meets all technical parameters of the specified technical schedule, or to clear previously submitted exception or delayed service reports. One service will be covered by one in-effect report. In-effect reports will contain the following information: Subject: In-Effect Report, or Multiple In-Effect Report. (Submit multiple report only if TSO was multiple.) Reference: Identification of the message forwarding the TSO. Item 1: Complete TSO number. Item 2: TSR number from TSO paragraph 2N. Item 3: CCSD or trunk ID from TSO paragraph 2A. Item 4: Commercial carrier and commercial circuit number from TSO paragraph 3X2A or other sources, or enter NA. Item 5: Type action from TSO paragraph 2C. Item 6A: Date, time, month, and year of completion of action. Item 6B: Date, time, month, and year commercial service was provided, or enter NA when no commercial service has been requested. Item 7: Remarks. Note any administrative comments or minor changes authorized under DISAC 310-130-1, chapter 2, paragraphs 7.2.2 and 7.2.3. Item 8: Point of contact. Name, organization, and DSN/ commercial telephone number of person submitting the in-effect report. Item 9: NCS assigned TSP Authorization Code from item102 of the TSR and/or paragraph 2B of the TSO. Subject: In-Effect Report for XXXX Reference: MSG DTG XXXXXX mmm XX 1. TSO Number 2. TRS Number 3. 8 Digit CCSD 4. Commercial carrier circuit number or NA 5. Action (START, CHANGE, AMEND, DISCONTINUE) 6a. In-service DTG 6b. Commercial In-service DTG 7. Remarks 8. Point of Contact 9. TSP Authorization Number Exception Report – The facility or activity designated in the TSO (normally the CCO or CMO) will, within 72 duty hours (based on 24-hour workday not including weekends and holidays) of completion of action on the TSO, submit an exception report if end-to-end service is provided and accepted with some exceptions to, or deviations

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Persuade a Family Member That the World Today

In my opinion, the world today is better than it was fifty years ago primarily due to technology, civil reform and medical breakthroughs. The technology of today is far more advanced. In 1960, computers were not household items, nor were cell phones, the internet, digital cameras/camcorders, DVD players, plasma television sets and GPS systems. It is clear that because of the increase in affordable household appliances, home life is easier now than it was fifty years ago. With the added efficiency, more time can be focused on continuing to progress towards a better future. Innovations in technology have made life easier for many people. Almost every school and college in the nation has the use of computers. With computers, students can access large databases of information at the touch of a button. Prior to computers, you would have had to use a card catalogue, which listed every book in a large, hard to use cabinet. Now, thanks to technology and the internet, access to information is easy. Technology has also helped the world to communicate faster and more effectively. Cell phones, email, and television have allowed news and information to travel at light speeds. No longer waiting around for the mail to come to your house, you can instead obtain information from your television, computer, or even cell phone. The development of technology has not only made life easier for everyone, but the cost of technology continues to decrease. Earlier home computers cost anywhere from five thousand to ten thousand dollars. Now they cost as little as three hundred dollars. In addition, almost every household has basic appliances such as a microwave, television, refrigerator and many others. Although some of these appliances existed fifty years ago, they are far more affordable and efficient today. There is clearly a large increase in technological advancements. Problems around the world still exist; however, technology is allowing developing nations to live more comfortable and successful lives, a much harder thing to do in the past due to the lack of technology. As well as technology, there also have been civil reforms in the last fifty years. For example, it is now easier for an African American or a woman to obtain a position of equal pay as a Caucasian man. Although laws were passed earlier than this to give minorities and women equal rights, it took some time before they received equal pay to a Caucasian man. It may be debatable that the pay is still not equal; however, it cannot be denied that it is better now than it was fifty years ago. At that time, it was almost impossible for a woman to be paid the equivalent of a Caucasian man, however, today women and minorities receive fairer treatment. If the current trend continues, men, women and minorities will eventually be treated as complete equals, something they were far off from fifty years ago. Besides technology and civil reform, medical breakthroughs have evolved by unbelievable bounds. An example would be that of the Endo-PAT, which was approved by the FDA in 2003. This device clicks onto the end of your finger and can tell by sensing lack of elasticity of your blood vessel lining whether cardiovascular disease has started. A score indicating endothelial dysfunction on the device is a stronger warning than the typical risk factors, because it indicates that cardiovascular disease has already begun, but at an early stage when you can more easily control your risks. With all the advances previously stated above, properly educating yourself on the history of this country is an action, which must be taken for clear understanding of how far we have come over the years. Without this background, the privileges of today can be potentially overlooked. It is important to understand that society today still has its problems; however, it has come a long way from fifty years ago. It is likely that in an additional fifty years, it will continue to improve. Some people doubt this and think that the future will be desolate. However, if someone said the future was discouraging in 1960, and you knew now what you know about society fifty years into the future, you would be able to tell them that life will only improve due to technological advances, civil reform and medical breakthroughs. Correspondingly, if someone says that the future looks desolate in 2010, you could say that historically speaking, people thought the same fifty years ago but look at all the progresses we have made. Developing a society takes great amounts of patience, but knowing that the world progresses in time helps people to adjust to the changing aspects of life. Some actions that can be taken are to understand the importance of technology, civil reform to society and medical breakthroughs and to seek to improve these conditions for future generations. In closing, above are some of the reasons why the world is better now than it was fifty years ago and why it is important to understand this. Compared to fifty years ago, regular household appliances are fairly less expensive. Not as many households had the kind of conveniences they have now. In addition, society has started to change their outlook on minority races (women included) and seek to bring equality to people regardless of race or gender. The medical breakthroughs in the last fifty years are just beginning. Imagine how medical breakthroughs will transform as technology advances. These are important steps, which make life in society better, and in another fifty years, we can only hope that we can say that life is better than it is now. This is why it is important to understand how society has progressed. Understanding the past also helps us to understand the future, and so knowing that life is better now than it was allows us to look towards the future with hope.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Definition and Examples of the Zero Copula

In grammar, zero copula refers to the absence of an explicit auxiliary verb (usually a form of the verb be) in certain constructions where it is customarily found in standard English. Also called copula deletion  or understood copula. In their book Spoken Soul: The Story of Black English (Wiley, 2000), John R. Rickford and Russell J. Rickford note that the zero copula is one of the most distinctive and identity-affirming characteristics of ​African-American Vernacular English  (AAVE). Examples and Observations I dont say stuff to people most of the time. Mostly I just look at them like they stupid.(Katherine S. Newman, No Shame in My Game: The Working Poor in the Inner City. Random House, 2000)Why she cant come to me? Fanny asked as she passed Mercy off to a neighbor so she could walk faster. Where she been? Where she at now? Fanny asked, wringing her hands. She knew something was wrong.(Bernice L. McFadden, This Bitter Earth. Plume, 2002)The Zero Copula in African-American Vernacular English (AAVE)One of the most interesting characteristics of AAE is the . . . use of the zero copula. As [William] Labov (1969) has explained, the rule for its use is really quite simple. If you can contract be in SE [Standard English], you can delete it in AAE. That is, since He is nice can be contracted to Hes nice in SE, it can become He nice in AAE. Likewise, But everybodys not black can become But everybody not black. . . .We should note that the zero copula is very rarely found in the speech of whites, even poor southern whites. Not all blacks use it either.(Ronald Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 6th ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010) ​\ Factors Governing the Use of the Zero Copula [Toya A.] Wyatt (1991) found that AAE preschoolers were more likely to use zero copula: after pronoun subjects (56%) rather than noun subjects (21%); before locative predicates (35%) and adjective predicates (27%) rather than noun predicates (18%); and in second person singular and plural predicates (45%) rather than third person singular predicates (19%). In addition, the zero copula occurred less than 1% of the time in past tense, first person singular, and final clause contexts. This suggests that as early as three years of age, AAE child speakers not only acquire the basic grammatical features of AAE but also the language-specific variable rules that govern their use (Wyatt 1996).(Toya A. Wyatt, Childrens Acquisition and Maintenance of AAE. Sociocultural and Historical Contexts of African American English, ed. by Sonja L. Lanehart. John Benjamins, 2001) I hold Jinggaya. Jinggaya, you all right? I ask. I got bad fear she hurt.Yes, yes, she say. I all right. You all right?(Andrew Parkin, A Thing Apart. Troubador, 2002) Zero Copula and Pidgins Zero copula is probably the single feature most readily associated with pidgins. . . . However, it is not an exclusively pidgin feature by any means. . . . Thus, while zero copula may exist, or have existed at some time, in all pidgins, it is not a feature which distinguishes pidgins from other languages.(Philip Baker, Some Developmental Inferences From Historical Studies of Pidgins and Creoles. The Early Stages of Creolization, ed. by Jacques Arends. John Benjamins, 1995) Suddenly the managers boy put his insolent black head in the doorway, and said in a tone of scathing contempt--Mistah Kurtz--he dead.(Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness, 1903)